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Trombonists looking for free resources can download this transcription of Jonathan's daily routine, which consists of long-tones, lip-slurs, and various other exercises found in the Arban's method, Schlossberg drills and Alessi Warm-Ups.
This routine is a good example of a daily warm-up aimed at covering all the bases. In order to reach a high level as a brass player, it is imperative to practice fundamentals everyday, including articulations, flexibility, sound concept and slide technique.
Also available for download is a 2-octave major scale sheet and a basic list of trombone method book publications that Jonathan uses for both himself and his students organized by mastery level.
I. Daily Routine and 2-Octave Major Scales

II. Suggested Method Books
Daily Routine
Jean Baptiste Arban- Famous Method for Trombone
Robert Marsteller- Basic Routines for Trombone
Max Schlossberg- Daily Drills and Technical Etudes
Beginner Level
Rubank- Method for trombone (Elementary-Advanced)
Ernest Clarke- Method for Trombone
Sigmund Hering- 40 Progressive Etudes for Trombone
Intermediate Level
Blazhevich- School for Trombone in Clefs
Johannes Rochut (Bordogni)- Melodious Etudes for Trombone (Book I)
Advanced Level
Marcel Bitsch- Rhythmical Studies for Trombone
Roger Boutry- 12 Advanced Studies for Trombone
Maxted- 20 Studies for Trombone
Johannes Rochut (Bordogni)- Melodious Etudes for Trombone (Book II and III)
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